Benign prostatic hyperplasia


Benign proplasia of the prostate is a benign development of the prostate gland, causing physical and physical disorders in the neck of the bladder, especially hindering the outflow of urine from the bladder.

The frequency of prostate enlargement increases with age, but it is not related to diet, race and social composition. In the world, it is estimated that there are about 30 million people with prostate enlargement.

Usually appears in men > 45 years old.

According to Berry at the age of 40-50: 20% have TLT hypertrophy, 51-60: 50%. At the age of 70: >70% of men have TLT hypertrophy. At the age of 80: 75%.

1. Anatomy of benign prostatic proliferation pathology

  • In general, the prostate gland has a uniform round shape consisting of two lateral lobes located on both sides of the urethra, sometimes there is a third lobe in the back, often located deep towards the bladder and obstructs the bladder neck, which is the middle lobe, these lobes are wrapped in a shell – called the prostate cortex.
  • In 30-year-olds, the average prostate weight is 20g. The average prostate weight in the group of patients with prostate enlargement is 33 grams, the largest glandular weight announced in the medical literature is 820 grams. 4% of patients with prostate enlargement weigh over 100 grams.

The weight of an enlarged prostate can vary from 10-300gr.

  • In 1988, McNeal used the noun central and peripheral areas of the prostate and the transition zone connecting these two regions.
  • According to McNeal; The prostate is divided into 5 regions:
    • The peripheral area – corresponds to the tail area according to the division of Gilvernet. The largest part, accounting for about 70%, is located at the back and sides of the urethra. Is the part that often arises prostate cancer.
    • The central area, smaller, is located behind the urethra, which is the area where the vas deferectal passes through the mountain
    • The transition zone, the smallest accounting for 5% of the prostate volume in 30-year-olds, is located on both sides of the urethra, it develops with age, depends on male hormones. This is the area that causes prostate enlargement and forms two lateral prostatic lobes.
    • The glandular area around the urethra, it develops as a sleeve along the length of the prostate urethra. This is also the place where the middle lobe of the prostate gland develops.
    • The anterior myomyal fibrous area, corresponding to the striated splints in front of the prostate.

The benefit of this division is that it is clearly visible on ultrasound. Prostate enlargement often develops in the transition area

The prostate is divided into 5 regions according to McNeal’s prostate partition diagram
  • Microscropotically: Prostate enlargement consists of 3 components: Adenomyo fibrome.

2. Pathology of benign prostatic proliferation

Currently, the cause of the disease is unknown. However, two important factors of benign prostatic hyperplasia are: old age and functional testicles. At the beginning of high age, hormonal control changes. Total and free testosterone decreases, increased estrogen has an indirect effect on the receptor of testosterone dihydrotestosteron (DHT) causing benign prostatic hyperplasia.

DHT has five times stronger affinity than testosterone with prostate cells. The study found that the concentration of 5 alpha reductase increased in the buffer organism of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. This confirms the role of DHT in benign prostatic proliferation disease and the effect of finesteride blocking the enzyme 5 alpha reductase in treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The rate of benign prostatic hyperplasia in 40-year-olds is 8%, in 90-year-olds is 90%. Once the tumor appears, it continues to grow. It is estimated that the prostate increases by an average of 20 grams in 10 years.

The role of testicles:

Huggins 1941 noticed that testicular dogs did not have prostate enlargement, applied testicularectomy to treat prostate hypertrophy (less effective).

Gloyna, Garnet 1989 injecting dihydrotestosterone to experimental dogs with testicles causing prostate enlargement.

Pathological physiology:

  • Prostate proliferation stimulates receptors in the bladder neck, the prostate crust causes smooth muscle spasms that create lower urinary tract syndrome (LUTS).
  • The mass of prostate hypertrophy and fibrous tissues that grow a lot also cause urinary tract obstruction.
  • Response of bladder muscles. When there is a urinary flow blockage, the bladder muscles increase contraction, gradually hypertrophy because collagen fibers are more susceptible to unstable stimulation, and at the same time, it also reduces the response of normal reflexes that cause urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence, urination, and nocturinal urination. Along with prolonged obstruction, the bladder gradually enlarges, there is weakness in the diverticle, stagnation or reflux of the bladder – ureter – kidney: urinary tract infection and kidney failure. About 10% of patients with prostate hypertrophy have renal failure of varying degrees.

3. Diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia

3.1. Muscle symptoms:

It is an early or late manifestation of lower urinary tract syndrome due to tumor location, inflammation or cervical neural disorders. The concept of “Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)” was introduced in 1994 and reaffirmed in 2002.

Symptoms caused by stimulation:

  1. Urinating the most often at night causes insomnia, nocturnal urination.
  2. Urgent urination: suddenly the patient has a strong feeling of sadness, there is a feeling of urine pouring out uncontrollably.
  3. Urinary incontinence is often associated with urinary tract infections.

Symptoms of compression: (Obstructive syndrome) patients have difficulty urinating, have to push, weak urine jet, do not feel comfortable after urinating.

Sometimes the patient shows symptoms:

  • Complete urinary retention: 25% of patients with prostate enlargement come to the doctor because of acute urinary retention.
  • Urinary tract infections (cystitis, prostatitis, epidiymitis).

3.2. Clinical examination:

  • Assess the difficulty level of sin the IPSS scale



  • Mild symptoms: 1-7 points
  • Moderate symptoms: 8-19 points
  • Severe symptoms: 20-35 points
  • Examination of the kidneys, hypogastric area of the bladder and bilateral testicles. Penis foreskin.
  • Rectal examination: Is a basic examination.
  • The patient lies on his back, brings his index finger to the rectum in coordination with the hand in the hypochondria.
  • Found in the anterior and rectal wall right behind the pubic bone, a round, smooth, elastic, homogeneous, painless mass. It is necessary to examine the surface as well as the circumference of the gland to estimate the size.
  • Sometimes it is seen that the irregular gland has a hard core or is firmly attached to the pubic bone, which is a manifestation of prostate cancer. Detected 14-30% of K TLT cases when PSA is normal.
  • Detection of anorectal diseases: sphincter tone, rectal tumor…

3.3. Subclinical examinations:

3.3.1. Ultrasound:

Can be done along the line on the pubic bone or through the rectum.

Seeing that the homogeneous prostate mass usually has two symmetrical nodes across the middle line. Allow to estimate the weight of u through the formula: V=(L x H x W)/2

Allows to probe the two kidneys, bladder and measure the amount of urine residue in the bladder.

It can be seen that negative hollow foci, heterogeneous prostate lobes are suspicious signs of K TTL.

3.3.2. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

It is specific to the prostate, which is valuable in diagnosing prostate cancer because PSA cancer is often elevated. Normal PSA <4ng/ml. PSA>10ng/ml 50% risk of cancer requires prostate biopsy. PSA 4-10 ng/ml is the recording range that needs to be monitored.

3.3.3. Venous urograph:

little value for TLT hypertrophy.

3.3.4. Cystoscopy, urethra:

help diagnose the causes of hematuria caused by prostate or bladder tumors. Determine the cause of difficulty urinating due to the bladder, prostate, or urethral stenosis.

3.3.5. The Other tests:

Urinary kinetics, evaluation of bladder pressure, urethra and urine flow. Determine the time of a urination (15-17 seconds). Volume per urine (250-350ml)

Qmax sub-flow rate 19.6 ml/gy. When Qmax>15ml/gy is considered to have no urinary tract blockage, Qmax10-15ml/gy: follow up. Qmax<10ml/gy urethral obstruction or weak bladder muscle.

Measure the amount of urine retention by: ultrasound or placing a urinary ventures after urinating. R>200 ml of urine stagnation has pathological significance of BPH.

Biochemical test: Ure, Creatircine blood.

Urine bacteria implantation.

4. Differential diagnosis:

4.1. Prostate cancer:

The disease is also common in the elderly, so it is necessary to pay attention to avoid misdiagnosis with prostate cancer, which should be based on:

  • Rectal examination: Solid prostate or irregularly bounded solid nucleus.
  • Ultrasound: Inogerous prostate, with acoustic hollows, asymmetrical nododes
  • High PSA in cancer TLT > 10mg/ml.
  • If in doubt, a biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

4.2. Distinguish from other causes of difficulty urinating such as:

4.2.1. Bladder neck sclerosis.

  • Clinical examination of elderly patients (over 60 years old)
  • Difficult to urinate, sometimes urinary retention requires a urethral catheter. Rectal examination of the prostate is not enlarged
  • Ultrasound: no normal PSA prostate enlargement was detected
  • Urodynamics identifies difficulty urinating due to bladder neck obstruction Urethral cystoscopy: images of cervical bladder fibrosis

4.2.2. Nerve bladder

  • Patients with a history of spinal cord injury, stroke.
  • Difficulty urinating with urine leakage.
  • Clinical examination showed enlarged bladder bridge.
  • Rectal examination of the prostate is not large.
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland is not enlarged, the bladder dilates urine retention, sometimes both ureters are reduced. Normal blood PSA
  • Urinary kinetics: no contraction signal of the bladder muscle is seen.

4.2.3. Urethral stenosis

Patients with a history of urethral trauma or urethral intervention.

Go to the doctor because of difficulty urinating or urinary retention.

Examination with bladder bridge, prostate rectum examination does not enlarge. Sometimes there is a narrowing of the outer urethra due to inflammation of the foresing.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland is not enlarged, the bladder dilates urine retention, sometimes both ureters are reduced. Normal blood PSA

Urinary kinetics: image of urethral obstruction.

Retrograde urethral cystography: urethral stenosis image

4.2.4. Inflammation or abscess of the prostate

Rare in the elderly, often in middle age.

5. Treatment:

5.1. Principle treatment:

Treatment is prescribed based on the severity of symptoms, the level of attention and aspirations of the patient. Information about the risks and benefits of choosing treatment for benign prostatic proliferation should be explained to all patients.

5.1.2. Treatment method by changing the way of living and monitoring, waiting

Indications: Patients with mild symptoms (for example, IPSS <7) should be advised about a combination of lifestyle modification to suit the treatment of monitoring and waiting.

 Specific treatment:

Patients are monitored and visited by a follow-up doctor periodically.

Optional: The doctor suspects the initial condition, the severity of irritation syndrome, prostate mass and/or serum PSA to advise patients at risk of developing acute urinary retention symptoms or in the future need for surgery related to BPH (risk factors that identify patients at risk for progression).

A series of lifestyle changes can be recommended for patients with symptoms.

  • Limit drinking water before going to bed
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks, spicy foods
  • Avoid using certain drugs (for example, diuretics, decongestants, antihistamines, antidepressants)
  • Practicing urination helps the bladder work well.
  • Exercises to increase pelvic floor strength
  • Avoid or treat constipation

5.2. Internal medicine treatment:

5.2.1. Designation:

  • Optional treatment for moderately uncomfortable patients (for example, IPSS 8 – 18).
  • Indications for stages 1 and 2 of the disease mean that the tumor has not caused much an obstacle to the urinary system. The amount of urine remaining in the bladder < 100ml.
  • Has antispasmodic and edema effects on the neck of the bladder TLT.

    – Alpha – Adrenergic antagonists.

It has the effect of relaxing smooth muscles thanks to the action on alpha-adrenergic receptors in the neck of the bladder and TLT. These drugs can lower blood pressure.

. Doxazosin (cardural) inhibits alpha – adrenergic after sinape, dose 2mg/24h.

. Tamsulosin (Flomax) inhibits alpha 1 specific receptors, dose 0.4-0.8 mg/24h.

– The drug acts on the metabolism of androgens with the intention of preventing the growth of the prostate.

. Finasteride (Proscar) inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), dose 5mg/24h.

– Herbal medicines have anti-inflammatory and anti-edema properties.

Research by Madersbacher and colleagues in 2004 and Roehborn in 2008 showed that; treatment with alpha-adrenergic antagonists had an improved effect on symptoms and urinary flow, this effect was clearly false for 1-2 weekstreatment. However, treatment with Finasteride also has the effect of reducing tumor volume and reducing the risk of acute urinary retention and surgery. The 2003 study of Mc Connell and colleagues showed that combination treatment was better than monotherapy. However, this effect is evident after 1 year of treatment.

5.3. Scal treatment:

5.3.1. Designation

The determination of treatment methods for benign prostatic hyperplasia depends on the size of the tumor. Indication for surgical treatment in cases:

  • U causes a lot of effects on the urinary tract, the amount of urine residue > 100ml, difficulty urinating Qmax < 10ml/s.
  • Acute urinary retention requires a urethral probe.
  • Bacterial urinary tract infection, bladder stones, diverticum BQ.
  • Severe hematusis, kidney failure (about 10% of patients with TLT hypertrophy show signs of kidney failure).

5.3.2. Laparoscopic method through urethral:

is considered the golden standard method in HBP surgical treatment.

Indicated for benign and moderate prostate hyperplasia with weight < 70g.

Purpose: removal of the entire TTL hypertrophic organization, starting from the inside of the urethra, stopping at the TLT shell. At the upper limit is the bladder neck, the lower limit is the mound.


  • As a less traumatic method, it is increasingly widely applied (80-90% of patients are treated with this method in advanced countries).
  • Short hospital stay.
  • Good efficiency in terms of urination.
  • Currently considered as the standard method in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The recurrence rate after laparoscopic surgery is 18%, the mortality rate is 0.23%.

The risk of complications of surgery is often associated with benign prostate proliferation with a large size of > 45g, surgery duration > 90 minutes.

The risk of tumor recurrence after 5 years is 5%.

The rate of benign prostatic proliferation surgery by endoscopy in the US and northern European countries is 97%, in France and Japan is 70%.

5.3.3. Upper cross-line surgery method:

Indication for large u > 50g, (according to other documents > 75g).

Hypertrophes are combined with other diseases: bladder diverticle, stones, or in patients who cannot place an endoscope…

The two surgical methods used are:

Millin method – surgery after the pubis: This surgery was first performed by Terrence Millin for benign prostatic hyperplasia in 1945

Surgical steps:

  • White skin incision in the middle under the navel
  • Revealing the front of the bladder and TLT
  • Bleeding stop suture, open the front of TLT
  • Peel the organization of TLT hypertrophy, stop bleeding of the neck BQ
  • Place the probe 3 ND, sew the TLT opening again.

Hryntchak method – cross-bladder surgery. Open to BQ to peel the TLT hypertrophy organization Set the ND probe and Drain BQ

5.3.4. Other methods:

Endoscopic cut with an incision from the bladder neck to the mound. In the case of young patients with benign proliferation of small prostate. However, these methods are not considered standard methods because they do not bring a sure and thorough effect.

Urethral TLT with a ball.

Method heat treatment.

Use laser.

Place the barrel instruments in the TLT urethra.

 Temporary treatment in case of patients with acute urinary retention: emergency urethral catheterization or optical bladder drainage is required if the urethral catheter cannot be placed.

Patients with kidney failure: two kidneys have water retention due to bladder neck obstruction, bladder drainage should be used to treat kidney failure.

5.3.5. Postoperative care.

General follow-up care.

Special care.

Continuous bladder washing:

After TLT hypertrophy surgery or laparoscopic tumor removal, the bladder must be washed continuously.

The purpose is to avoid blood clots in BQ and blockage of BQ drainage pipes.

Washing water usually uses HTM 0.9% or distilled water.

The speed of translation depends on the rate of bleeding, if the translation is light pink.

The wash needs to be monitored continuously, just stopping washing for a few minutes can cause blood clots and clogging of the BQ probe.

Washing time depends on the bleeding.

Usually bleeding a lot in the first 24 hours, less in the following days and about 3-4 days after clear urine.

If there is a lot of bleeding, there is a risk of blocking the BQ probe, you must pump the BQ to remove the blood clot.

5.3.6. Other complications.

Postoperative blood infection: Manifestations of malaria tremor, blood pressure drop < 90mmHg Need to transplant blood, inulate urine, inform the surgeon to resusculate and give appropriate KS.

Endoscopic syndrome: TUR Syndrome (2%). Endoscopic syndrome is a complication caused by the resorption of washing water during TLT endoscopic cutting. Studies show that the amount of water absorbed into the body per minute is 20ml. The amount of water absorbed in the first hour is 1000ml – 1200ml. 1/3 of this water is absorbed directly through the vein. Due to the water absorption into the lumen of the vessel, it causes hyponaemia, causing organizational edema. The consequences are pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, coma, cardiovascular disease, hemolysis, acute renal failure and shock.

Endoscopic syndrome occurs when the blood Na content is less than 125 mEq.

The basic treatment is to raise the blood Na concentration. The amount of Na in the blood to be compensated is calculated according to the formula: Na= (140 – existing Na concentration) x 0.6 x body weight. 1 liter of NaCl 9‰ contains 154 mEq, 1 liter of NaCl 3% contains 815 mEq Na. At the same time, use diuretics to increase water excretion and prevent kidney failure.

2.3 The indication of urethral sonderetral withdrawal after surgery depends on the surgeon.

For laparoscopic surgery, usually after 3-4 days. For upper sugar surgery, drunk 7-10 days. When removing the sonde, usually fill the BQ with the washing liquid before draining. After withdrawing the probe, let the urine BN reset the urine probe to measure the amount of urine residue and inculate urine bacteria.

5.3.7. Late symptoms

Death rate: Very low, often related to complications of surgical techniques.

Postoperative bleeding: Immediate bleeding after surgery rarely occurs. Sometimes there is bleeding during surgery.

Late bleeding 10-20 days. Often occurs after laparoscopic surgery due to peeling of the bleeding scars after laparoscopic surgery. Most hold it yourself, sometimes it requires placing a bladder probe to suck blood clots.

Difficulty ineing after surgery:

  • Early: Often associated with inflammation, edema of the cervical bladder sometimes due to surgical techniques. Especially, laparoscopic surgery can not cut all the tumors, it is necessary to intervene again.
  • Late: Sclerosis, fibrousitis TLT – -> re-intervene. Urethral stenosis after surgery: Nong or cutting in the urethra.
  • In all cases of difficulty urinating after surgery, it is necessary to be alert to K TLT.
  • Umore recurrence after 7-15 years (7- 15%).

Bedeater after surgery:

Only say true uress when it persists for many months after surgery (>6 months). Caused by the destruction of the urethral stingureous sphincter system. Very rarely occurs, Often seen after laparoscopic surgery.

 Treatment: artificial sphincter placement.

Infection after surgery:

  • Cepidymitis.
  • Phlebitis – pulmonary infarction:

+ Surgical treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy becomes simple and results good, patients stay in the hospital for 5-10 days.

Reference documents:

  1. Symptoms of Surgery. XB Medical House 2000.
  2. Faculty of Medicine XB House 2000.
  3. Urology Hospital Medical University 2003.
  4. Henry Gray (1821–1865). Anatomy of the Human Body
  5. Prostate Hyperplasia, Benign. Last Updated: November 18, 2010
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Understanding the Formation of Kidney and Urinary Stones

Healthy kidney and kidney with stones

Kidney and urinary stones are common medical conditions that can cause significant discomfort and lead to serious health complications if left untreated. These stones form when minerals and other substances crystallize in the kidneys or urinary tract. To effectively diagnose, treat, and prevent stone formation, it is essential to understand the underlying science and the key factors that contribute to their development. This article delves into the mechanisms of stone formation and the various influences that affect their growth.

The Science Behind Kidney and Urinary Stone Formation

Kidney and urinary stones, also known as renal calculi or urolithiasis, are solid concretions formed from dissolved urinary minerals. The process begins when the concentration of stone-forming substances, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid, exceeds their solubility in urine. When this supersaturation occurs, these substances start to crystallize, forming microscopic particles. Over time, these particles aggregate and grow into larger stones.

The urinary system plays a crucial role in maintaining a balance of fluids and electrolytes. The kidneys filter waste products and excess substances from the blood, which are then excreted in the urine. However, when urine becomes too concentrated or the balance of crystallization inhibitors is disrupted, conditions become favorable for stone formation. Certain proteins and molecules, such as citrate and magnesium, usually prevent crystal formation, but if their levels are insufficient, the risk of stone development increases.

A stone’s composition can vary, with the most common types being calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, and struvite stones. Each type has distinct characteristics and forms under specific chemical conditions. Calcium oxalate stones, for instance, form in acidic to neutral pH levels, while uric acid stones typically develop in persistently acidic urine. Understanding the chemical environment that promotes each type of stone is essential for effective prevention and treatment strategies.


Key Factors Influencing Stone Development and Growth

Several factors influence the formation and growth of kidney and urinary stones, with dietary habits being one of the most significant. High intake of oxalate-rich foods, such as spinach, nuts, and chocolate, can elevate the risk of calcium oxalate stones. Likewise, excessive consumption of protein and salt can increase calcium excretion in urine, contributing to stone formation. Hydration is also critical; inadequate fluid intake leads to concentrated urine, fostering an environment conducive to stone formation.

Genetic predisposition is another crucial factor. Individuals with a family history of kidney stones are at a higher risk of developing them themselves. Certain genetic disorders, such as cystinuria and primary hyperoxaluria, result in elevated levels of stone-forming substances in the urine, significantly increasing the likelihood of stone formation. Additionally, metabolic conditions like hyperparathyroidism and gout can alter the balance of minerals and other substances in the body, promoting stone development.

Medical conditions and medications can also impact stone formation. Chronic conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, and diabetes can change the composition of urine, increasing the risk of stones. Some medications, like diuretics and calcium-based antacids, can elevate calcium levels in urine, while others might reduce citrate excretion, both of which may contribute to stone formation. Patients with recurrent urinary tract infections may develop struvite stones, which form in alkaline urine environments created by certain bacteria.

Understanding the formation of kidney and urinary stones involves a comprehensive look at the biochemical and environmental factors that contribute to their development. By identifying and managing the key influences, such as diet, genetic predisposition, and underlying medical conditions, healthcare providers can better prevent and treat these painful and potentially severe conditions. Ongoing research continues to uncover new insights, paving the way for improved management strategies and better patient outcomes.

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Vietnam’s Bright Advances in Kidney Stone Treatment

Healthy kidney and kidney with stones

Kidney stones, those pesky little intruders in the urinary tract, have been a formidable challenge for patients and healthcare providers alike. Yet, amidst the bustling streets and serene landscapes of Vietnam, remarkable strides are being made in the world of kidney stone treatment. The country’s medical community is stepping up with groundbreaking innovations and compassionate care, providing a beacon of hope for many. Join us as we explore the revolutionary advances that are putting Vietnam on the map as a leader in kidney stone treatment.

Vietnam Shines in Kidney Stone Treatment Innovations

Vietnam is fast becoming a global hub for innovative kidney stone treatments, combining traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technology. The country’s healthcare sector has seen significant investments, enabling the establishment of state-of-the-art facilities equipped with advanced medical devices. Hospitals and clinics across Vietnam are now offering treatments that were once only available in the world’s most developed countries, signaling a new era of medical excellence.

One of the most notable advancements is the widespread adoption of minimally invasive techniques. Procedures such as laser lithotripsy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) are now routinely performed, significantly reducing recovery times and improving patient outcomes. These techniques, which involve either breaking down the stones with laser energy or removing them through small incisions, have transformed what used to be a highly invasive surgery into a relatively simple and less painful process.

Moreover, Vietnam’s commitment to personalized patient care ensures that individuals receive the most appropriate and effective treatment. Comprehensive diagnostic tools, including high-resolution imaging and sophisticated analysis, allow for precise identification of the stone’s size, composition, and location. This detailed approach enables physicians to tailor treatments specifically to each patient’s needs, optimizing success rates and minimizing complications.


Breakthroughs Bringing Hope and Healing to Many

Remarkable research and development efforts in Vietnam are yielding new therapies that bring hope to patients with complex kidney stone cases. Among these groundbreaking treatments is the use of innovative pharmaceuticals designed to dissolve certain types of stones, offering a non-surgical alternative for many sufferers. These medications, often sourced from Vietnam’s rich biodiversity of medicinal plants, exemplify the country’s ability to blend traditional knowledge with modern science.

In addition to pharmacological advancements, Vietnam is pioneering the use of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). This non-invasive procedure uses sound waves to break kidney stones into small, passable fragments. ESWL has gained popularity due to its effectiveness and convenience, requiring no incisions and typically allowing patients to return home the same day. Such patient-friendly options are revolutionizing the way kidney stones are treated, turning what was once a daunting diagnosis into a manageable condition.

The impact of these medical breakthroughs extends beyond individual patients, fostering a sense of collective well-being and progress. Patients who once faced the prospect of prolonged pain and recurrent hospital visits now experience faster recoveries and reduced recurrence rates. As a result, families, communities, and workplaces see fewer disruptions, contributing to a healthier and more productive society. The ripple effect of Vietnam’s advances in kidney stone treatment is felt far and wide, underscoring the significance of these medical milestones.

Vietnam’s journey from traditional medicine to a forefront leader in kidney stone treatment is nothing short of inspiring. The blend of ancient remedies with modern techniques is not only revolutionizing patient care but also placing Vietnam on the global stage as a beacon of medical innovation. With continued investment and dedication, the future looks bright for those suffering from kidney stones, as Vietnam continues to shine as a symbol of hope and healing. As we celebrate these achievements, we eagerly anticipate the next wave of medical miracles emanating from this dynamic nation.

Vietnam's Bright Advances in Kidney Stone Treatment
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What are the advantages of dermal filler injection procedure?

Filler Complete your look with Filler injection cosmetic therapy
Filler Complete your look with Filler injection cosmetic therapy

Filler injections or fillers are one of the safe, fast-acting cosmetic methods available today. Filler injections bring many outstanding advantages that without learning you can hardly grasp everything exactly. The following short sharing will help you better understand this issue, let’s take a look!

Learn about Filler injections

Filler injection, also known as dermal filler injection, is a non-invasive medical cosmetic procedure. Filler is injected under the skin with the purpose of covering wrinkles, restoring beauty as well as erasing some defects on the face as well as erasing signs of aging,…

With less than 30 minutes to perform, Filler injections recover in a short time, bringing noticeable beauty results that are effective for several months and even years depending on many different factors.

Uses of dermal filler injections

The effects of dermal filler injections are indicated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for people aged 22 years and older with stable health conditions. In fact, Filler injections provide many important uses, including:

  • Increases the volume of skin injected with fillers and eliminates sagging.
  • Corrects many defects on the face to bring balance and harmony.
  • Removes wrinkles, bringing youthfulness and health to the face.
  • Brings a slimming effect to the face while ensuring beauty and youthfulness.
Correct facial imperfections with fillers

Pros and cons of dermal filler injection procedures

Dermal filler injections take place in a short time and are performed directly by a specialist, bringing highly desirable results.

Advantages of Filler injections

Using Filler to remove facial blemishes brings outstanding advantages, including:

  • Beautifies in a short time while bringing immediate results.
  • Recovery time after Filler injection is quick.
  • Filler injections are not too expensive.
  • The effective time of Filler injection lasts from 6 months to 2 years.

Disadvantages of Filler injections

Besides the advantages, this beauty method also brings certain limitations such as some complications when injecting Filler into the blood vessel site causing temporary blockage of blood vessels or allergies to the drug ingredients. Some people experience facial asymmetry or bleeding, swelling, bruising, and pain when receiving filler injections.

Some sensitive areas can cause necrosis, infection as well as the appearance of lumps and masses under the skin, etc. However, these complications are very rare and only when performed by a doctor. Only non-specialists can cause these serious complications.

Filler injections bring quick results

Customers who need Filler injections to care for and protect their beauty need to find an experienced and highly skilled team to perform the procedure. Dr HARVARD Da Nang with the presence of the professional Dr HARVARD Plastic Surgery team brings peace of mind and trust when accompanying.

With the professionalism and high knowledge of the medical team, typical doctors are Dr Vinh Nhan: Plastic Surgeon, Dr HARVARD Da Nang guarantees that Filler injections are painless, without dangerous complications for all patients. Patients with questions can contact directly to 299 Duong Dinh Nghe Street, Son Tra District, Da Nang City or WhatsApp’s: +84931858579 for quick answers.

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What is the recovery process like after liposuction of the cheek area?


Cheek liposuction or cheek fat bag removal is the most effective and popular facial slimming surgery today. Cheek liposuction has a quick recovery time for Dian in only 2 to 7 days, patients do not need to abstain too much but still bring the expected cosmetic effect.

Learn about cheek liposuction

Cheek liposuction is a surgical procedure aimed at removing fat from the cheek area on both sides of the cheeks, resulting in a slimmer face, revealing the patient’s cheekbones. Cheek fat is located deep under the cheeks, located in muscle mass and muscle weight varies according to each person’s constitution. In fact, some people have large or small cheek fat pockets and most of these are genetic factors so it is difficult to reduce them through weight loss or exercise.

Pros and cons of cheek liposuction surgery

Any cosmetic method brings certain advantages and disadvantages. Cheek liposuction is no exception and specifically as follows:


Cheek liposuction is considered a safe cosmetic method as well as having very optimal aesthetics because it leaves absolutely no scars. Cheek liposuction is performed on the inner cheeks, not the outer cheeks as many people mistakenly think.

Cheek liposuction helps slim the face

The face becomes slim and sharp thanks to the removal of fat that causes the face to have unsightly features. Besides, cheek liposuction has results that last over time even if you gain weight.

Cheek liposuction is performed in a short time of less than 30 minutes, but the recovery speed is very fast.


The risk of the cheeks becoming more sunken as we get older is a disadvantage of the method because with age cheek fat as well as facial muscles will shrink over time.

If too much cheek fat is removed, you will definitely experience a haggard face, so you need to be very careful. If the amount of fat on both cheeks is removed unbalancedly, the face will definitely lose symmetry.

Recovery process after cheek liposuction

How long it takes for cheek liposuction to heal is the top concern of many women who want to perform this cosmetic method. With a very simple procedure performed by a cosmetic doctor, liposuction heals quickly within 3 to 7 days depending on each patient’s condition.

Recovery after liposuction requires careful monitoring

After about 2 or 3 days after cheek fat removal, the patient can eat, drink and live as usual. After 5 to 7 days, the patient will completely heal, but still need to pay attention to dental health and eat as healthily as possible. We should not forget to conduct examinations and examinations with a specialist to be able to evaluate the healing speed.

When in need of cheek liposuction, patients can contact Dr. HARVARD Da Nang at 299 Duong Dinh Nghe Street, Son Tra District, Da Nang City. For patient inquiries, please contact WhatsApp’s: +84931858579 to receive the most accurate advice from Dr HARVARD Plastic Surgery.

In addition, customers will receive a direct examination from Dr Vinh Nhan: Plastic Surgeon. Your surgery is guaranteed to be absolutely safe and successful when working with Dr. HARVARD Da Nang.

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Address for Semen Analysis in Da Nang


Are you looking for a reliable address for semen analysis in Da Nang? This article will provide you with essential information about reputable locations and detailed pricing.

Semen analysis is a crucial test for evaluating male reproductive health. This test helps determine the quantity, shape, motility, and viability of sperm. With this information, doctors can diagnose reproductive issues in males and prescribe appropriate treatment methods.

Semen analysis procedure


Sample requirements

  • Samples should be collected after a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 7 days of abstinence (ideally 3-5 days).
  • At the time of sample collection, patients should not have a fever, smoke, or consume alcohol.
  • Sample reception times: Morning: 7 am to 10 am. Afternoon: 1 pm to 3 pm

Sample collection and reception process

  • Patients are required to present one form of identification (ID card, driver’s license, student ID, industry card, etc.)
  • Patients should write down their information (including names and birth year of both partners) on the sample container.
  • Patients are instructed to follow these steps:
  • Urinate beforehand
  • Wash hands and penis with soap, then rinse with water
  • Dry hands and penis with a single-use towel
  • Self-stimulation (masturbation) and ejaculation into the sterile container without spilling the sample
  • Submit the container with the sperm sample to the laboratory staff
    Note: If a patient cannot collect the sample through masturbation, they are advised to consult with a male reproductive health specialist.

Semen analysis procedure

Check patient’s name and age. Record if unclear.

Note the sample collection time.

Check ejaculate volume:

If ejaculate volume ≥ 1 ml: place the sample in a warm cabinet for liquefaction.

If ejaculate volume < 1 ml: if the patient spills the sample or had previous ejaculations exceeding the current sample, reschedule for a new sample collection.

Enter the sample into the system and provide a receipt to the patient for payment.

Schedule the date and time for result delivery to the patient.

Semen Analysis Process

Within the first 5 minutes:

Place the sample container in a warm cabinet (37°C) for liquefaction.

Between 30 minutes and 60 minutes:

Observe and evaluate sperm liquefaction + Measure semen volume.

Measure the pH of the semen.

Prepare a wet slide to assess sperm motility and determine the necessary dilution for sperm density evaluation.

valuate the ratio of live/dead sperm.

Dilute semen to assess sperm density.

Assess total sperm count.

Centrifuge the semen (if sperm is not found on the wet slide).

Within 4 hours:

Create a slide, stain sperm morphology.

Within 24 hours:

Evaluate sperm morphology.

Cross-Check Procedure in Semen Analysis
Sample collection:

– Patients write their name on the sample container.

– Staff cross-checks the patient’s name on the container with the ID card and records it in the semen analysis result logbook.

Sample reception:

The person receiving the sample checks and asks the patient to confirm their name if unclear.


The person analyzing the sample cross-references the patient’s name on the container and the result logbook before analysis.

Result delivery:

– The person printing the result relies on the result logbook.

– The person delivering the result double-checks the result notification form before handing it to the patient.

Reputable addresses for semen analysis in Da Nang
Below are some reputable addresses for semen analysis in Da Nang:

Address for Semen Analysis in Da Nang

Semen Analysis Pricing

Semen analysis pricing may vary depending on the location. Here is a reference pricing table:

Basic semen analysis: VND 300,000 – 500,000
Advanced semen analysis: VND 500,000 – 1,000,000

Notes when undergoing semen analysis

Avoid sexual activity for 3-5 days before the test.
Maintain genital hygiene before the test.
Bring the semen sample to the laboratory within 1 hour of collection.

The above information covers reputable addresses for semen analysis in Da Nang. We hope this article helps you choose a suitable location for your test.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for free consultation via Zalo: 0919480180.
Schedule an online appointment to save waiting time.

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Why is there foam in my urine? Do I need to see a doctor?


Foamy urine is a common occurrence that can have various causes. While it is often harmless, it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Causes of foamy urine:

Harmless causes:

  • Low urine flow: When the bladder is full, urine flows forcefully, creating foam.
  • Toilet bowl friction: Strong urine stream hitting the toilet bowl surface creates foam.
  • Diet: Certain foods, such as asparagus and beets, can create foamy urine.
  • Toiletries: Toilet bowl cleaners can create foam when mixed with urine.

Medical causes:

  • Proteinuria: The kidneys fail to filter protein effectively, leading to excess protein in the urine.
  • Diabetes: High blood sugar levels cause the kidneys to overwork, leading to proteinuria.
  • Kidney disease: Kidney damage can affect filtration function, leading to proteinuria.
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI): Bacteria invade the urinary tract, causing inflammation and foamy urine.

When to see a doctor:

  • Foamy urine that is persistent and does not improve after dietary changes.
  • Darkcloudy, or foul-smelling urine.
  • Back painnauseavomiting, or fever.
  • Frequent urinationburning urination, or urinary urgency.


  • Drink enough fluids to reduce the amount of foam in your urine.
  • Monitor your urine and record any symptoms you experience.
  • See a doctor if you are concerned about foamy urine or have other unusual symptoms.

This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: foamy urine, causes, symptoms, see a doctor, proteinuria, diabetes, kidney disease, urinary tract infection.

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The best Botox injection clinic in Da Nang


Botox beauty injections cannot be arbitrarily come to a certain location to be conducted but need to be selected accordingly. A reputable Botox injection address will bring many benefits related to beauty effects as well as health for patients. Dr HARVARD Da Nang is such a place.

The best Botox injection clinic in Da Nang
Botox injections are increasingly popular in Vietnam

The demand for Botox injections is currently on the market

Currently on the market, beauty needs are increasingly popular by many different audiences, including women in their twenties. Botox injection is considered a very popular choice because this method is highly effective in tightening facial skin and smoothing wrinkles on the skin.

The reason why Botox injections are so popular is because of the effectiveness this method brings. Among them are:

  • Effectively tightens facial skin and increases skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production within the skin structure.
  • Blurs wrinkles that form due to natural reflexes on the face as well as wrinkles that form in some locations because the skin ages with age.
  • Shaping the face to be slim, youthful and beautiful.
  • Eyebrow lift, reducing the formation of crow’s feet in the eye area caused by age-related skin sagging

The special thing about Dr HARVARD Da Nang is not known to everyone

The best Botox injection clinic in Da Nang
 Botox is a popular beauty solution even though the price is not cheap

To the present time, if there is a need to conduct Botox injections can contact Dr. HARVARD Plastic Surgery for professional advice as well as appropriate cosmetic plans. Dr HARVARD Da Nang brings to patients:

  • Botox injection aesthetic program in the most professional way with the participation of leading Dr HARVARD Plastic Surgery in the field.
  • The standard Botox injection process prescribed by Health brings safety and minimizes medical complications due to subjective causes. Medical complications are a common condition when the patient undergoes Botox injections in an amateur unit as well as with the hands of an untrained person today
  • Use clean Botox, certified by the Ministry of Health, meet the safety criteria of concentration as well as dosage used on patients to get the best effect
  • The price of Botox injection is suitable for each patient’s different needs and is guaranteed not to challenge or raise prices. Dr HARVARD Da Nang puts service quality and beauty effectiveness first when serving patients.
  • Dr HARVARD Da Nang with the presence of Dr Vinh Nhan: Plastic Surgeon offers beauty procedures including safe standard Botox injections. Doctors are highly skilled and have in-depth knowledge in the industry, so they bring great things to all patients.

Note after Botox injection with a specialist

The best Botox injection clinic in Da Nang
Botox injections bring youthfulness, but you must choose a reputable location

After performing Botox injections with a specialist, patients need to listen carefully to health care advice as well as visit a cosmetic doctor. During the first 4 hours you should not lie down to help fix the Botox to the muscle area that needs to be affected. Related abstinence should be strictly followed for 24 hours after injection and should preferably last for 1 to 2 weeks.

Patients need to immediately contact a cosmetic doctor if they feel there are abnormalities in their body as well as related problems for timely resolution. Dr HARVARD Da Nang deserves to be a place for you to trust and accompany when you want to regain your youthful beauty.

When in need of beauty examination and Botox injection, patients should contact 299 Duong Dinh Nghe Street, Son Tra District, Da Nang City or WhatsApp’s: +84931858579 to receive timely instructions and care.

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How much does Botox cost in Da Nang?

Viện thẩm mỹ Dr. Harvard

Botox injections to beautify, retain youth, and bring confidence in life is one of the modern beauty trends. Service prices are determined by many different factors related to dosage, the doctor performing the procedure, the patient’s condition,…

How much does Botox cost in Da Nang?
Botox injection is an effective way to help fade dark spots today

Is Botox injection in Da Nang expensive?

The cost of a Botox injection for beauty and wrinkles on the market today is very diverse. Price fluctuations from 7 to 20 million per Botox injection are completely understandable because there are many factors that affect the cost of the service. One of the main factors to mention is:

Cosmetic locations and skills of cosmetic doctors

Cosmetic location is one of the decisive factors in the cost of Botox injection services in addition to the doctor’s skills. Certainly, when working with a professional location, with a clear Botox injection process as well as a skilled and well-trained doctor, the price will be “slightly” higher than with weak locations. In many aspects, not to mention these are underground, unlicensed cosmetic establishments…

Currently on the market there are many cosmetic clinics that inject Botox illegally at very cheap prices, but the consequences are unpredictable. So you need to pay attention when looking for a facility to perform Botox beauty injections to ensure health safety.

Patient’s wrinkle condition

The older the patient is, the more wrinkles there are and obviously the price also fluctuates in an upward direction and vice versa. Patients who want to know the exact cost of Botox injections for themselves need to work directly with a specialist, undergo a skin examination to assess the level and receive an appropriate quote.

How much does Botox cost in Da Nang?
Botox injections have fluctuating prices depending on many different factors

Botox injection location as well as the content of the solution

The more places Botox is injected, the more the service price increases and the price will increase if the dosage of Botox used in cosmetic injections is high. On a face there will be many suitable locations for Botox injections, so you need to accept the reality of price fluctuations depending on facial characteristics as well as locations and difficulty of Botox injections.

Address for Botox injection with good price and good quality in Da Nang

How much does Botox cost in Da Nang?
Patients need to contact a reputable unit for Botox injection

Dr HARVARD Da Nang is currently the leading reputable address specializing in performing cosmetic and beauty procedures and methods to serve patients in need. Dr HARVARD Da Nang brings patients the best besides affordable prices thanks to:

  • A team of leading experts in the field of aesthetics, including Dr. Vinh Nhan: Plastic Surgeon – a key doctor specializing in conducting highly difficult cosmetic surgeries to bring standard physical beauty and confidence to patients. patient.
  • Dr. HARVARD Da Nang with the presence of Dr. HARVARD Plastic Surgery who are professionally and thoroughly trained to best serve patients as well as ensure all patient safety.
  • Dr HARVARD Da Nang provides a clean, airy and professional infrastructure to help patients have the most comfort when traveling with them.
  • Prices for cosmetic services at Dr HARVARD Da Nang are clearly publicized, informed to patients accurately and without ambiguity, leading to long-term and complete cooperation.

At 299 Duong Dinh Nghe Street, Son Tra District, Da Nang City Dr HARVARD Da Nang always gives patients the best and most enthusiastic care. For any information related to prices and services, patients can contact WhatsApp’s: +84931858579 for answers today.

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Top Urology and Andrology clinics in Da Nang with good reputation and quality


You are looking for a reputable and quality urology and andrology clinic in Da Nang, a famous urologist and andrologist in Da Nang. Below introduces the best urology and andrology clinic in Da Nang, a handy guide for men to always have the best health.

Dr. Dang Phuoc Dat – Urology and Andrology Clinic in Da Nang

“A clinic that specializes in urology and andrology in Da Nang, a city in central Vietnam. The clinic is led by Dr. Dang Phuoc Dat, a senior specialist in this field. He has many years of experience and expertise in diagnosing and treating various urological and andrological problems, such as urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, infertility, etc. He is also a member of the Vietnam Urological Association and the Asian Urological Association.”

A professional urology and andrology clinic, gathering doctors with solid expertise and many years of experience in the field of urology and andrology in Da Nang. The hospital is one of the leading units in examining and treating urological and andrological diseases in Da Nang City.

Urology and Andrology clinics in Da Nang
You can book an online consultation appointment with a doctor through the online clinic platform Edoctor

Dr. Dang Phuoc Dat – Urology and Andrology Clinic in Da Nang

Contact information

  • Family General Hospital
  • 73 Nguyen Huu Tho, Hai Chau, Da Nang
  • Email:
  • Phone: 0919 480 180
  • Website:
Urology and Andrology clinics in Da Nang
Bs Đặng Phước Đạt

Services provided by the Urology – Andrology Clinic in Da Nang

Treatment of urinary stones: Kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder stones, urethral stones

Surgery to place artificial penile implants

Surgery to place artificial testicles

Surgery to increase penis size

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy with small tunnel (mini – PCNL)

How is percutaneous nephrolithotomy with small tunnel (mini-PCNL) performed?

Examination and treatment of erectile dysfunction

Laser stone crushing with flexible ureteroscope

Percutaneous stone crushing under ultrasound guidance

Bipolar electrocautery for prostate fibroids

Diagnosis and treatment of hematospermia

Diagnosis and treatment of male infertility

Surgery for benign breast enlargement in men

Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Retrograde endoscopy to crush ureteral stones with laser + place JJ stent

Urinalysis for diagnosis of diseases

Circumcision with stapler

Diagnosis and treatment of retrograde ejaculation

Analysis of urinary stone composition, prevention of stones

Diagnosis and treatment of male hypogonadism

Vasectomy for male sterilization

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for kidney and ureteral stones

Diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation

Cystoscopy for diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of genital warts

Treatment of urinary tract infections

Treatment of urethritis due to gonorrhea

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the male genital organs

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

Semen analysis according to WHO 2010 standards

Treatment of interstitial cystitis syndrome

Treatment of varicocele

Treatment of erectile dysfunction

Treatment of orchitis – epididymitis


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